PS Local

The Arab Company for aluminum industry and coating is a leading company specialized in painting and painting aluminum sectors
Of various kinds. The company was founded in 2011 as the largest company specializing in paints

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PS Local – The Arab Company for aluminum industry and coating is a leading company specialized in painting and painting aluminum sectors Of various kinds. The company was founded in 2011 as the largest company specializing in paints The Arab Company for aluminum industry and coating is a leading company specialized in painting and painting aluminum sectors of various types. The company was established in 2011 as the largest company specializing in electrostatic paints for various aluminum sectors, especially wood colors, which are performed using Powder on Powder (by Sat) technology, which the company is a leader in and is considered one of the best outdoor decoration materials for the ability of this technology to withstand external weather conditions and factors, all with the quality of design and shape, which made the company the authorized supplier for new Giza projects and the administrative capital. The company has quality certificates corresponding to world and European standards in the field of electrostatic paints. The company also has a state-of-the-art quality research laboratory equipped with the latest laboratory and scientific equipment to ensure quality.

PS Local

PS Local

Our products

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PS 9602-L

PS 9603-L

PS 9606-L

PS 9607-L

PS 9623-L

PS 9624-L

PS 9632-L

PS 9642-L

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PS 9601-C

PS 9602-C

PS 9603-C

PS 9607-C

PS 9623-C

PS 9624-C

PS 9632-C

PS 9642-C

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PS 6602-C

PS 6621-C

PS 6622-C

PS 9606-C

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PS 4807-C

PS 4810-C

PS 4815-C

PS 4822-C

PS 4823-C

PS 4888-C

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PS 4807

PS 4810

PS 4811

PS 4815

PS 4816

PS 4822

PS 4823

PS 4888

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PS 6006

PS 6602

PS 6603

PS 6607

PS 6621

PS 6622

Our products

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PS 9602-L

PS 9603-L

PS 9606-L

PS 9607-L

PS 9623-L

PS 9624-L

PS 9632-L

PS 9642-L

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PS 9601-C

PS 9602-C

PS 9603-C

PS 9607-C

PS 9623-C

PS 9624-C

PS 9632-C

PS 9642-C

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PS 6602-C

PS 6621-C

PS 6622-C

PS 9606-C

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PS 4807-C

PS 4810-C

PS 4815-C

PS 4822-C

PS 4823-C

PS 4888-C

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PS 4807

PS 4810

PS 4811

PS 4815

PS 4816

PS 4822

PS 4823

PS 4888

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PS 6006

PS 6602

PS 6603

PS 6607

PS 6621

PS 6622